Week 14 Story: The Bride of Destruction

The Hulk Battling in the Arena
Life wasn't easy for the "hero" known as Bruce Banner. In fact, Banner lived in a constant struggle to control his inner rage. See, Banner was born a brilliant intellectual, but he lacked physical prowess. One day while researching gamma radiation, Banner became exposed to harmful rays and began to grow to massive size. To call Banner "monstrous" wouldn't be the half of it. Now he is known by the entirety of Earth as "The Hulk," a massive green monster whose destructiveness power is only matched by its inability to control it. After what felt like the last death Banner could help seeing, he decided to launch himself (as the hulk) into space in hopes of never hurting another innocent person through the collateral damage of his rampages. The Hulk wound up on a strange planet called Sakaar, a world where gladiatorial combat is the most high honor. The Hulk couldn't have ended up on a better planet to start its new life. Here, his destructive capabilities are what gained him thousands of loyal fans who loved to cheer him on during every fight. It was much different than Earth, where he would look around and only see the horror in peoples eyes as he smashed everything in sight. The Hulk finally found a home. He had everything: money, power, fame. But, The Hulk knew he was missing something... he was missing love.
The Hulk left his penthouse suite at the middle of Sakaar and went back to the ship he crash landed in, and as he was rummaging around looking for something that would fill the empty hole in his heart, he bumped into a button that read "Code: Lullaby." Immediately a the ship began to power up and a video began playing on the screen in the cockpit. The video was of Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow,) The Hulk's old teammate and the only person that could help him calm down during his rampages. The Hulk began to feel heartbroken as he hasn't seen the love of his life in over 10 years. He ran back to the grandmaster's residence and was greeted with open arms.
"My Hulk! What a splendid surprise! What can I do for you" the grandmaster asked. THe grandmaster was the "owner" of The Hulk, and every fight that The Hulk won lead to more profit for the grandmaster. The Hulk grunted and slammed the table with his fists and pointed to the video of Romanoff he stole from the ship. "Oh you want her? Okay okay big guy, we'll find her for you. You just keep on winning for me in the arena and I'll get you anything you want.
Soon, Romanoff was brought to Sakaar through the use of Loki's teleportation magic (he is also hanging out on Sakaar) and The Hulk finally was whole again. With his love at his side, The Hulk was able to keep on winning fights and eventually become the grandmaster himself. He ruled over Sakaar as a just a fair king, and the people of Sakaar welcomed Romanoff in with open arms. She was everything The Hulk wasn't: kind, patient, caring, and logical. Romanoff ruled as Sakaar's queen and the two of the former avengers soon became the rulers of one of the most beautiful and prosperous planets in the universe. With The Hulk's power and Romanoff's mind, the two became the most revered monarchs in all of history. Only Romanoff could help calm The Hulk and bring Banner out, but she rarely did this as they had plenty of work to do if they wanted to build an empire that rivaled Asgard.
Authors Notes:
I decided to tell the story about Ravana and Mandodari for this weeks story, as I really liked their dynamic. They were complete opposites, but they complimented each other very well. This lead to the demons of Lanka welcoming in Mandodari with open arms, as now they had not just a powerful king, but a patient and caring queen. This reminded me of The Hulk and Black Widow's relationship int he MCU, as The Hulk is a massive powerhouse while Black Widow is much more strategical than her love interest. Since The Hulk is kind of like a king when he is on Sakaar, I decided to use "Thor: Ragnarok" as inspiration while writing my story.
Abhimanyu Singh Sisodia
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