Week 12 Reading: Ravana Roar of the Demon King Part B

Ravana fighting off Jathayu while abducting Sita
- Ravana fought Indra, but luckily his children helped and Indra fell. Ravana singled out Kubera in front of everyone and killed him. He now conquered the heavens. He stole shape-shifting flying machine and chained Indra in the town square of Lanka to show their king's power, but Brahma came to Ravana and ordered him to release Indra, and Ravana did.
- While in a river to meditate, the river closed up cause the thousand armed human king Arjun dammed the river so his wife could bathe. Arjun had a boon that nobody could defeat him, and though Ravana tried, he lost. Ravana Was taken into Arjun's city and chained up (Just like Indra was in Lanka) and though he could have escaped by breaking the chains, he decided to stay and meditate/repent for his sins (Karma). Ravana's paternal grandfather pleaded with Arjun and had Ravana released. He told Ravana that he needed to pick his fights, and anger always leads to downfall. Ravana spoke "I need allies" and he traveled to the monkey king's jungle.
- Vali (Monkey King) attacked Ravana and though he could have killed the monkey easily, Ravana picked his battles and allowed himself to be subdued. He told Vali that he was there to form an alliance and Vali agreed
- Ravana's sister got her face mutilated and told Ravana to kill the boys, and he could take Sita as a wife (He already knew Sita was a babe.) He was embarrassed that his sons/brothers had already been slain, and he decided it was time to deal with the boys.
- Ravana was warned that this was a bad idea (and even he knew it was) but was so blinded by rage that he went to abduct Sita anyway.
- Ravana tried to make Sita happy, but she refused to consent. Hanuman came to rescue her, but she said she would only be rescued by Rama. Indrajit captured Hanuman Ravana asked "wtf, me and Vali had a deal" to which Hanuman responded by saying "Vali is dead, we have a new king." So they set his tail on fire, and Hanuman grew in size and broke out of his captivity, and set fire to Lanka with his tail. Ravana's brother, Vibhishana, told Ravana to stop and return Sita, as they would surely lose a battle. Ravana said no, so Vibhishana left Lanka
- Vibhishana sailed across to Rama and company and told them how to cross the sea into Lanka. They approached and war broke out. Ravana dealt a huge blow to Lakshmana, but he recovered, and his servants were questioning Ravana's leadership.
- Indrajit convinced Ravana to hold Sita hostage, as he could bring her back from death. Rama retreated when he thought his boo was going to die. Vibhishana told Rama about Indrajit and how it was all a ruse. Lakshmana went to Indrajit while he was praying, and Indrajit fought off an army and Lakshmana unarmed. He was winning, but the gods intervened and he lost
- Kumbakharna woke and fought, but was slain eventually. Alone, Ravana went to the battlefield one last time to fight. He saw Vibhishana next to Rama and knew that he would tell Rama where his secret to immortality was kept (his navel) and he threw off his armor and roared one last time before getting shot. As he was dying, Rama asked for his knowledge and Ravana gave him it.
Abhimanyu Singh Sisodia
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