Reading Notes: Eastern stories and legends Part D

A flying elephant
1:The bodisat was a marsh crow. There was a famine so all the crows left the kingdom, and one crow found the bodisat near a pool of water catching fish. The crow asked to be the bodisat's servant and over time he thought "I can do this by myself, I don't need the bodisat" and went to the pool and drowned.
2: The king's sons asked a charioteer to take them to the Judas tree. The driver took the sons one at a time They all disagreed on what the tree looked like cause it was in/out of bloom when each of them saw it.
3: The bodisat was born in a family of a landed proprietor and grew to be wealthy. Him and his brother finished their father's business when he died, and was gifted a lot of money. While the bodisat was asleep, the brother tried to nab the money but the money was dropped into the Ganges. The spirit of the river made a fish eat the money, and the fishermen that caught the fish tried to sell it to people for 1K, but nobody would buy it. So they sold it to the Bodisat for cheap and when the spirit came to him like "Yo I saved the money your bro stole (the brothers cut of the money) so don't give it back to him" but the bodisat did
4: Buddha lived alone in the woods. Sakka came to him and granted buddha a favor, he asked for no diseases to break his peace, and for no creature to be harmed for buddha
5: Buddha was a valuer to the king. He made fair deals, so the king fired him The new valuer tried to buy 500 horses for some rice, so the horse dealer went to the bodisat and he told the dealer to ask the valuer what the rice is worth. The fool valued the rice at the entirety of the kingdom. Buddha was rehired
6: Buddha was born a merchant. His caravan and him went through a poisonous forest and he ordered him men to consult him before eating anything that grew there. Some idiots ate a poisonous mango look-a-like and Buddha saved them before they died. Villagers tried to jack the caravan thinking they were dead, but they saw that they were all alive. The journey finished safely
7: Bodisat was born an beautiful white elephant. When the king rode the elephant to tour his kingdom, he got jealous cause everyone was admiring the elephant. The king wanted to kill the elephant, but the handler said the elephant was trained so there was no point. The king said "oh yeah? Then have it climb a mountain." and he did. Then he challenged to have the beast stand on its different legs, and it did. Then he challenged the elephant to fly and it did. The king then divided his kingdom into 3
8: A girls kid died, and she asked Buddha for medicine. He made her find ingridients from a house where nobody has died in it before. She couldn't find any, and left her dead child and became a disciple of Buddha.
Marie Shedlock
Eastern Stories and Legends
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