Week 12 Reading: Ravana: Roar of the Demon King Part A

A Statue of Ravana
- Parents had to cast a spell to hide Ravana's ugliness (10 heads)
- All animals roared when he was born
- Father, Vishrama, taught him a lot as a kid (Sacred texts). Perfected every teaching except non-violence
- All rounder
- Grandfather (Maternal) taught Ravana about his demon heritage while his father taught him about Brahmin (reading, music, harmony). Ravana was half demon and half brahmin
- All the siblings hated Kubera cause Kubera thought that Ravana's maternal grandfather Sumali was to blame for why Vishrama left Kubera's mom
- Went to pray to their great grandfather, the creator of the universe. Everyone asked for boons, and Ravana received immortality and to never be slain (only by a man). He got his 9 heads he cut off back, and Kumbakharna misspoke and asked for eternal slumber instead of life.
- Ravana asked Vishrama for an army, and he said "Okay, but what king has no kingdom?" To which Ravana said "I'll take Lanka" and Sumali said "LOL Bet! You gotta grow a stache first though, you look like a child."
- Ravana and his siblings ambushed Kubera and told him to surrender or die. Vishrama came and told Kubera to surrender, as Ravana was too powerful
- Ravana made Lanka into a refuge for all demons, but he wanted a queen before he set out on world domination. He heard about Sita, but one day found a Mayasura (architect of the asuras and blacksmith of powerful weapons) and his daughter. He asked for her hand in marriage and they both agreed.
- Mandodari was welcomed to Lanka with open arms, she had everything Ravana wasn't (Patience, humility, etc.)
- Ravana was HUGE into worshiping Shiva, and so was his mother. Ravana's mom was too old to go to the temple to worship, so Ravana tried to lift the mountain to bring to his mother. Shiva didn't like this, so he crush Ravana under the mountain. Ravana sang in devotion to Shiva for hundreds of years. He asked for an instrument to play for him, but was not granted any, so he ripped his skin off and made an instrument from his bones and veins. Finally, Shiva called Ravana "Ravana" (It wasn't his name until now) and gave him a dope weapon
- Some demons ran to Ravana and told him that humans were killing all the demons in the forests outside of Lanka. Ravana was ready for war, but Mandodari protested. Ravana said "They killed our kind, they must know the power of demons and never attack us again."
- Ravana's first campaign led to the destruction of many kingdoms on Earth and in the underworld.
- Ravana found a babe in Kubera's new kingdom. She was married to Kubera's son. Ravana asked her out, she said no, he got physical, and Kubera's son put a curse on Ravana where he could not molest another women or he would die.
- Ravana was warned that the gods were watching and he would get what's coming to him. SO Ravana lead an assault on heaven
Abhimanyu Singh Sisodia
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