Reading Notes: Narayan Ramayana part D
Hanuman jumps to Lanka, and finds Sita in a garden. Hanuman shows her the ring of Rama, and Sita regains hope. She gives him some jewlery of hers, and Hanuman starts wrcking the garden. Indrajit captures Hanuman, and he gets his tail set ablaze. Hanuman jumps around Lanka and burns everything. Maya rebuilds it, but Ravana is already pissed. Everyone is telling Ravana what to do, and he eventually kicks out Vibhishana for being doubtful. Vibhishana goes to Rama and tells the army how to fight and kill Ravana. Rama prays and the sea god build rocks in the ocean which Rama's army crosses. Ravana tries to trick Sita into thinking that Rama died, but she doesn't fall for it. Indrajit poisons Rama and Lakshmana and Sita thinks they are dead, but Tijata explains that they are just stunned. Hanuman, with Rama on his shoulders, jumps to Ravana's flyimng chariot and Rama wounds Ravana and breaks his crown. They call it a day. Next day, Kumbakarna wakes up and fights. Rama finally kills the beast, and Indrajit is trying to now fool Rama into thinking that Sita has died. Indrajit is slain by Lakshmana, and Ravana goes to kill Rama. Rama kills the giant Mahodara and starts to fight Ravana. Rama waits until Ravana is well rested, and then shoots him in the heart and Ravana dies. Rama orders a funeral for Ravana. Sita does her fire test to prove she had been faithful, and Rama asks his dead dad to forgive Kaikeyi and Bharata. Rama finally comes home, and Hanuman saves Bharata from suicide. The gods come to Ayodha in human form to witness the return of the king.
R.K Narayan
The Ramayana
R.K Narayan
The Ramayana
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