Week 8 Progress
Motivational quote from my favorite superhero (Green Lantern) from one of the worst movies of all time (The Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds)
When I first started this class, it sort of overwhelmed me. I was always stressed out and rushing to finish assignments for this class as I would spend most of my day working on homework for other classes. Thankfully, I eventually found my groove and now I am not only less stressed in this class, but I am enjoying it quite a bit more. In the beginning of the semester, I would do the assignments the day they were due, but now I either work 1 day ahead, or 1/2 day ahead. This tactic has made me realize that I have so much time to finish assignments for this class if I either do them a day earlier or get a head start on them, so when I get home with all of my other homework I have one less thing to worry about. I am going to try and continue this habit, and hopefully get to the point where I am working 2-3 days ahead so I can be even less stressed and work on the extra credit so I can hopefully finish early. One of the most challenging tasks for me is working ahead on weekends. Once Friday hits, I am usually tapped out for the week in regards to schoolwork, but then the deadlines hit me hard on Sunday night. I am going to try and get some of the weekend work out of the way Saturday morning when everyone is still waking up, so that way Sunday wont crush me as hard.
Hey Matthew. I saw Green Lantern so I had to comment on this post. Awesome quote, awesome superhero, bad movie. However, Green Lantern will always been one of my favorite DC heroes. I can relate to pushing assignments to Sunday night. When the weekend comes I do not want to do anything either, but it can be done. Good luck with everything!