Reading notes: Eastern Stories and Legends part A

100 Jataka Tales
1: Buddha is born as a lion. A hare was convinced that the earth was going to cave in and started a mob of animals running away from "where the earth was caving in" and the lion (Buddha) asked what the commotion was about. The hare told him, so he and the lion went to the spot where the earth was caving in and realized that the sound was just a fruit that had fallen from a tree. They went back to the other herds and told them that there was no caving in of earth and everyone went home.
2: A croc's wife asked her husband to kill a monkey so she could eat its heart. The croc tells the monkey that across the river is a bountiful amount of fruits, and the croc volunteers to take the monkey over the river. The croc tries to drown the monkey for its heart, but the monkey tells the croc that monkeys keep their hearts hanging from trees, and if the crc takes him to the tree than the monkey will get the heart. The monkey gets to the tree and laughs at the croc and the croc goes home sad and empty handed
3: Buddha was born as a tree spirit. A king wanted to cut down a tree to build a palace, but everyone in his kingdom loved the tree and were sad to see it cut down. Buddha enters the kings room and asked to keep the tree. The king says no. Buddha then asks to be cut down branch by branch. The king asks why he would wish to be killed slowly instead of fast. Buddha says that the roots of his tree feed the other trees, so if you cut him down at once, the whole forest would die. The king sees this self sacrifice and says he will not cut down the tree.
4: Buddha was born a hare. He had 3 friends: a monkey, a jackal, and an otter. Everyday the hare would tell them knowledge. The hare told everyone to fast and give up food to those who needed it the next day. Every animal went and found food, asked if it were anyone's, and then took it and felt good about themselves. The hare decided that if he found a beggar, he would offer up his own flesh as grass feeds hares but not humans. Sakka wanted to test the animals, so he asked everyone for their food. They all offered up what they collected, but the hare offered his life. Sakka told the hare his plan and left him to continue being a hare instead of eating him.
5: Buddha was born a parrot. He took over as leader of the flock when his father got too weak. He lead the flock and refused to let his parents work, he got food for them. The rice keeper asked his mastyer what to do, cause this new parrot leader was getting all the rice. The master, assuming it wasn't a normal parrot, told the keeper to set a trap. Buddha was trapped, but stayed calm to not frighten the other birds. When he was brought to the master, he told the master why he took rice home every day. The master was impressed and offered 1000 acres of rice to the parrot, but Buddha only took a few acres for his flock and his family.
6: Buddha was born a merchant named Vissaya. He set up almshouses everywhere and Sakka thought that Buddha was stirring up all of India to dethrone Sakka and make Buddha the new king of gods. Sakka took everything from Buddha to disrupt his charity, but Buddha decided to mow peoples lawns as a way of charity. Then when they had no food, Buddha fasted till he passed out while mowing. Sakka asked why he did it, and Buddha said it wasn't to be holy or dethrone Sakka, but to learn and gain knowledge. Sakka, now that Buddha proved himself, gave him back all of his wealth.
7: Buddha was born a king, and gave all his subjects dope gifts. But one day, he realized that he needed to start giving them real gifts, not just monetary stuff. He loved his subjects so much he was willing to die for them all jesus style (If they ask for my heart, I'll give it to them. If they ask for my eyes, I'll rip them out and give them to them, etc.) Sakka, king of the gods wanted to test this and disguised himself as a blind brahmin and asked Buddha for one of his eyes. Buddha said "bet" and gave him both eyes. Soon, Buddha was given new sight through the eyes of absolute truth. Buddha was gifted for his joy of giving.
Marie Shedlock
Eastern Stories and Legends
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