Week 9 Story: The Gambling Match of the Galaxy

Lando and Han gambling in "Solo: A Star Wars Story"

"Don't worry about it Chewy, I know my way around this part of the galaxy. And besides, Lando just invited me to play cards, there isn't anything that could go wrong."

Chewbacca roared in disagreement and went into the kitchen of the ship and awaited their arrival at Lando's location. Han and Chewy had been traveling around the galaxy for weeks doing odd jobs, all in hopes of earning enough money to spruce up the millennium falcon, and luckily for them they just got invited to a high stakes card game that could win them enough credits to not just clean up the falcon, but completely upgrade its flying and combat abilities.  Han was confident in his ability to gamnble, as this is the reason he got the falcon in the first place. 

"No doubt Lando is trying to win back his ship huh Chewy? But when will he learn that if you can't beat me once, then how could you beat me the second time around. I'll just politely say hi, sit down, and take all of their credits from them and we'll be on our way. Sound like a plan Chewy?" Han looked back from the cabin and saw Chewbacca practicing his gambling skills at the kitchen table. He laughed and said "Don't bother wasting your time Chewy, I got this! Have I ever been wrong before?" As Chewbacca was about to speak Han cut him off. "On second thought, don't answer that. Besides, we're here." Han began to touch down and lower the walkway from the falcon. "All right Chewy, lets go earn us some credits!"

(Fast forward 40 minutes)
"Han, I'm glad you decided to come back and spend time with your old friend Lando, but it seems that maybe you lost your touch" Lando slyly smiled. "Maybe you hsould just pack up and go home, wouldn't want me to steal even more of your credits." Han sunk in his chair, how could he be losing? He was one of best gamblers in his home quadrant, but these card sharks were slowly bankrupting him. 

"Just give me a minuet to think" Han spoke as he slammed his hed on the table thinking how he could turn this around. Chewbacca began to roar but Han cut him off once again, "please stop chiming in, I don't need advice from a wookie on how to play cards." But Chewbacca continued to roar. "Chewy, I got it, I know that they have all my credits and now I can barely afford to pay for fuel to get us home. I have nothing left to gamble." Han fell back in his chair defeated, how could he let this happen.

Lando began to smile, "Ya know Han, you still have one more thing to gamble... the falcon." Han's eyes widened and he rose from his chair. He finally realized why he was invited to this game in the first place: While Han was trying to win enough credits to upgrade the falcon, Lando was trying to win it back. 

"Fine, let's do it" Han spoke confidently. "I'm all in. All your credits for the falcon." Han threw the keys to the spacecraft on the table, on top of Lando's mountains of credits. "Let's play."

As the cards were dealt, Han began sweating. He laid his hand on the table "Beat this Lando" He said confidently, and Lando did just that. He beat Han. Han just lost everything he had and stared at the cards on the table while Lando and his goons celebrated. "I'll kill you Lando, I swear on the force. I will gut you open and drink your blood. The falcon belongs to a real captain!" But Han's threats fell on empty ears, as the celebration continued with Lando dancing around with the keys to the spacecraft. "This. Isn't. Over." Han growled through his gritted teeth.

Authors note:
I took inspiration from the story of the gambling match where the pandavas lose everything against a card shark. I decided to change the story from cousins battling cousins to Han Solo battling Lando Calrissian. I also decided to change the part where Drapaudi is lost in the match to the millennium falcon, as in Star Wars this is the ship that Han and Lando constantly argue over. I was going to put a part where the force kept all the parts from the ship from being stripped just as Drapaudi was blessed from being disrobed in the gambling hall, but my story was already pretty lengthy as is and Lando loved the falcon so he wouldn't want to strip it for parts.

Mahabharata Online: Public Domain Edition


  1. Hi Matt! Wow, what a fun twist you put on this story. I really like when people put a similar plot but completely replace the characters and setting. You did a really great job of that here without losing too much of the original storyline. I wish I knew more about Star Wars so I could understand this in a deeper context, I am going to make a point to do some research into it! Great job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Matt,
    I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I don't mind it. However, I really did like your story and even though I knew what story you based it after, I couldn't help but hope that Han would win. Keep a look out for typos! I really like how Chewy was incorporated in because you made him act how he actually would act, correcting Han and being somewhat sassy. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to read more of your stories!

  4. Hi Matt. First off, let me just say that I'm a big Star Wars fan so I loved the setting that you chose for this story. You kept the integrity of the characters very well, it seemed like they were the exact same ones from the movie. I loved the high-stakes nature of the game and the cockiness of Han Solo, so very Han Solo. Anyways, my only complaint is that there are a lot of basic spelling mistakes. You should try using a spellchecker or proof-reading your story a bit more next time. Other than that, great job!

  5. Hi Matt!
    I really loved the setting you chose for this story, and I really like how you were able to include Draupadi into it. I love how you balanced out the ratio of dialogue and narrative because it makes the story flow so well. I got so nervous when Han threw in the keys to the falcon and was sad when he lost!


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