Reading Notes: The Mahabharata Part B

Bhima Slaying Baka
1: Prince Vidura warned the next-to-be king Yudhishthira about the plan and when they got to the palace, he told them about how they'd all die. They planned to dig a tunnel to the jungle to escape, which they did, but Bhima wanted to go back and fight the guard Purochana. He snuck back inside the house, set the guard barracks on fire, and Purochana died. The embers found their way to the palace anyway and it burned. Earlier in the day, the royal family gave some wine and food to a beggar and her children who passed out and died in the palace fire that night. People thought the bodies were that of the royal family and Duryodhana and the king rejoiced thinking their plan worked.
2: Bhima helped the family find a place to rest in the forest, and took first watch. A demon smelled humans and told his sister to kill them and bring them back for eating. The sister saw Bhima and fell in love. She turned into a beautiful women and tried to steal Bhima away so they could live together, but he told her he wouldn't leave his family. The brother got impatient and told the sister and Bhima that he'd kill everyone (sister included cause she had failed him) and Bhima dragged it's ass into the woods and the 2 fought
3: The family woke up and the sister explained what was going on. The boys rushed towards the forest to help, but Bhima told him that he had it and broke the demon's back over his knee and it was dead. The sister told Kunti "You know how it is when you are in love, command Bhima to marry me or I'll kill myself" so the queen agrees, and Bhima has a kid with her named Ghatotkacha and the demon, Bhima, and son leave the family and tell them if they ever need help, the son will come to them.
4: The gang takes refuge with some brahmin in the town of Ekachakra where the chief of the town, Baka, demands a human sacrifice once a month, and its the turn of those who housed the royal family. Bhima showed up to kill Baka, so he took the sacrifice of rice and buffalo and himself, and went to the woods where he killed Baka. He took the body to the gates of town and he was celebrated.
5: Drupada begged brahmins to bless him with a son, and he was given from a fire 2 children, Dhrishtadyumna and Draupadi. They were to kill Drona and hurt the Kauravas. Drona took the prince to train him (even though he knew he would die) and Draupadi was destined to be a Pandava queen. Kunti and the gang went to Drupada's for a festival he was throwing. All the boys wanted to win over Draupadi
6: Draupadi's previous life, she had a husband who left her for divine meditation but she still wanted to bone, so she prayed and a god told her she'd be reborn as a high class women and have 5 husbands (the Pandava's) cause she asked for a husband 5 times
7: Drupada wanted his new daughter to marry Arjuna (the best archer) so he made a challenge that only the most skilled/powerful archer could accomplish. Many men failed, but Karna was about to do it, before Daupadi said "I will only marry a prince which you are not" and he left. Arjuna walked upa and he did it, Drupada saw threw their brahma disguises and smiled.
8: Kunti told the boys to share what they won, but then she realized it was a women and told them to figure it out so she wouldn't have to take back her word. Drupada figured out that the boys were the Pandava princes and according to legend he allowed all 5 of them to marry his daughter.
9: Still jealous that the boys were alive, Duryodhana tells the king and the gang is ordered home. At home, the king decides to give them part of his kingdom to rule over, and they build a massive city (Called Indraprastha) which was popular.
10: The boys made a deal that they couldn't bother eachother when one was with their shared wife or face 12 years of exile. Arjuna had to get his weapons to get back a cart for a beggar, and he accidentally barged in on his brother with the wife. The brother said it was cool, but Arjuna still went to exile. He met Ulupi, daughter of the king of nagas and he had a kid named Iravat. Arjuna could now be invisible in water.
11: Arjuna saw holy men, who told him to bathe in the river but to watch out for the gator. Arjuna fights the gator and its actually a cursed nymph. She tells him that only he can rescue her friends, and he decides to help her out.
12: Arjuna marries some kings daughter, but promises to leave the son he has with her in the kingdom so the king can have an heir
13: Arjuna kidnaps a princess and takes her back to his city with his brothers. Peace is made and all of the brothers have kids
14: Agni asked Arjuna and Krishna to defend him from Indra as he ate a forest, and they did as long as Agni gave them celestial weapons. Agni got to eat his forest as the boys battled back Indra's rain clouds
15: Maya (the architect of the demons) built a palace for the Pandavas.
16: Bhima, Arjuna, and Krishna go to overthrow a king and they kill him. They sacrifice some prisoners
17: Duryodhana was jealous, so he got a card shark to play against the Pandavas, and lost everything, including their kingdom and wife.
18: Draupadi is not happy about being lost
19: Duryodhana and his card shark are toying with Draupadi and Bhima freaks out, before being silenced. Bhima swears to kill them
20: A 2nd match is set.
Mahabharata Online: Public Domain Edition
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