Topic Brainstorm

A painting of Ganesha

Looking at the Project Topics Listing link reveled a plethora of intesesting topics I would love to learn about. Though difficult, I've narrowed the topics that interest me down to 4...

1: Ravana. I was able to read a little bit about Ravana while looking at storybooks during Week 1 and he seemed very cool to me. As I have previously stated in my "about me" post, I am a huge fan of superheros, and Ravana reminds me of a super villain as he possessed uncanny abilities and had to be defeated by a protagonist, Rama. The coming war in Sri Lanka seems very cool to me, and I would love to learn more about it and its demon ruler, Ravana. I would like to retell this story in the style of a comic book as I feel that it would be a great fit for that style, as well as an easy way to understand the story of Ravana.

2: Ganesha. The reason I was so interested in Ganesha is because I already know of  him, but not who he is. When it comes to all of mythology, I think Ganesha is one of, if not the, most recognizable god to those who have not studied mythology at all. The elephant headed god is a staple of mythology as a whole, and I would really like to retell the story of Ganesha in an easy to understand way so that all who come across the story can get a better understanding of  who Ganesha is instead of the usual "Oh it's that elephant god from India." 

3: Surya. I have absolutely no past knowledge of Surya, but I really want that to change. All over the globe, the sun was worshiped and praised by countless communities. For example, Ra the sun god in Egypt, Sol in Rome, and Amaterasu in Japan. The sun has always been of major importance to humans, and I would like to learn about the Indian sun god to see the differences and/or similarities between their sun god and the sun gods of other communities. I would retell the story of Surya, but I would like to put an emphasis on how the common people saw/worshiped Surya.

4: The Avatars of Vishnu. I have a little previous knowledge of the avatars of Vishnu, in that I know that Rama and Vamana are avatars of Vishnu, but that's about it. I would really like to learn about the other avatars, as well as who/what Vishnu is and the process of how his avatars are chosen and passed down. I would like to, if the research allows it, tell the story in the terms of the TV show "Avatar the last airbender" as I hope that the story and the show hold some similarities. I also feel that many people around my age are familiar with the TV show, and that might allow them to make an easier connection and gain a better understanding of the Avatars of Vishnu.


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