Week 3 Story: A One Man Army

King Leonidas in battle in the movie "300" Source The sun was setting, but this night did not result in the blanket of night, rather a blood-red sky covered the land as the beasts of the jungle roared and howled. Leonidas knew that the time for battle was soon approaching. Depraved of his spartans, Leonidas knew that he must protect his queen by any means necessary. "My king, where should I position myself?" asked Lak, one of Leonidas' finest generals. "Nowhere" Leonidas spoke. "As much as I would enjoy dying side-by-side with you on the battlefield, my number one priority is making sure my queen is safe. I need you to take her deep into the forest and find a cave to hide in. Guard her with your life, and do not come out until you hear my command." Though one of the fiercest warriors in Sparta, Lak simply nodded and with a "Yes my king" he was gone, leading lady queen Gorgo deep into the dark forest. The howls of the ...